
This privacy policy tells users how their personal data is used.

The company responsible is ICI Solutions sprl.
Users can find more information about ICI Solutions on

Apps & Games are developed by Limonval, a division of ICI Solutions.
Users can find more information about Limonval on

We take the privacy of the user's personal details very seriously and handle them with great care, in keeping with data protection law.

'Easy Paint' doesn't store personal details like email, name or Facebook account.
No account is needed to use 'Easy Paint'.


'Easy Paint' is a great and safe app for kids.
'Easy Paint' will NOT collect, use, or distribute to third parties personally identifiable information.
This app DOESN'T INCLUDE In-App Purchase.

Log files when visiting our websites

Every time you visit one of our websites, data is automatically generated. We only store and use log files related data that does not enable a person to be identified. The purpose being to obtain technical and statistical information for rectifying faults or improving the website, or for doing research and analysis.


What are known as «cookies» are also used on our websites. Cookies are miniature text files that can be saved temporarily or permanently on the user's computer by the browser. Users are free to decide whether to let their browser use cookies: all browser programs allow cookies to be deactivated or deleted.


Our games and apps are offered through a variety of platforms for apps and software.
Any platform of this kind might collect and use personal details whenever the user accesses it, registers with it or uses it. We have no control over this whatsoever. Users will find all the relevant information in the terms and conditions and in the data privacy policies of the platform concerned.

November 23, 2015.

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© 2015 LimonvalTM, a division of ICI Solutions
© 2010-2015 ICI Solutions
Privacy Policy

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